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Status Codes

100's - Informational Responses

100 Continue

An interim response and client should continue with request

101 Switching Protocols

Indicates to client / browser the server is switching protocols

102 Processing

Server is processing the request

103 Checkpoint

Resume aborted PUT or GET requests

122 Request - URI Too Long

The URI is too long and exceeds the maximum 2083 characters

200's - Successful Responses

200 OK

Server successfully processed request

201 Created

Request was successful and server created new resource

202 Accepted

Request accepted but not processed yet

203 Non-Authoritative Information

Request processed successfully but information returned may be from another source

204 No Content

Request completed but no content was returned

205 Reset Content

Request completed but no content was returned; requires requestor reset document view

206 Partial Content

Server delivered a partial GET request

207 Multiple Status

Successful response for WebDAV

208 Already Reported

Results previously returned and not inlcuded again

210 Content Different

Content and/or property mismatch between client and server

226 IM Used

Server has fulfilled the request and response is an instance manipulated result

300's - Redirection Responses

300 Multiple Choices

Server has multiple actions available based on the request; user can select from list

301 Moved Permanently

Requested page has been permanently moved to a different URL

302 Moved Temporarily / Found

Requested page has been temporarily moved to a different URL; requestor should continue to use original URL

303 See Other

The requested page can be located at a different URL; user is not automatically forwarded

304 Not Modified

Page has not been modified sonce last request

305 Use Proxy

Requestor must use a proxy to access the requested page

306 Switch Proxy

No longer used

307 Temporary Redirect

Requested page has been temporarily moved to a different URL; requestor should continue to use original URL

308 Resume Incomplete

Used in resumable requests proposal to resume aborted POST and PUT requests

400's - Client Error Responses

400 Bad Request

Request cannot be fulfilled due to incorrect syntax

401 Unauthorized

Authentication is required or has not been provided

402 Payment Required

Not currently used. Intended for use in digital cash transactions

403 Forbidden

Client does not have suffcient permissions to access the requested resource

404 Not Found

Requested page cannot be found at current location but could be available in the future

405 Method Not Allowed

Request was made using a method not supported by page

406 Not Acceptable

Server can provide only content that is unacceptable to the client

407 Proxy Authentication Required

Client must authenticate with a proxy to access resource

408 Request Timeout

Server timed out waiting for request from client

409 Conflict

Request could not be processed due to a conflict

410 Gone

The requested page is no longer available and will not be available again

411 Length Required

Server has denied request due to unspecified length of content

412 Precondition Failed

Resource does not meet conditions of client's request

413 Request Entity Too Large

Request is too large to fulfill

414 Request URI Too Long

Requested URL is too long for the server to process

415 Unsupported Media Type

Server does not media type requested

416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable

Client requested portion of file but server cannot satisfy the request

417 Expectation Failed

Server cannot meet requirements of Expect request header field

418 I'm A Teapot

An IETF April Fools' joke

420 Enhance Your Calm

Client rate limiting by Twitter

422 Unprocessable Entity

Unable to process request due to semantic errors

423 Locked

Requested resource is locked

424 Method Failure

Request failed due to failure of a previous request (e.g. a PROPPATCH)

426 Upgrade Required

Client should switch to a different protocol

428 Precondition Required

Server requires request to be conditional to prevent conflicts

429 Too Many Requests

User has sent too many requests in a specified time period

431 Request Header Fields Too Large

Request cannot be processed due to individual field or collective fields are too large

444 No Response

Indicates Nginx server has not returned requested information and has closed connection

449 Retry With

Request should be performed after the specified action

450 Blocked By Windows Parental Controls

Page blocked by Windows Parental Controls

451 Redirect

Either more efficient server available or server can't access user's mailbox

499 Client Closed Request

Indicates client has closed connection prior to server completing request

500's - Server Error Responses

500 Internal Server Error

Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented request fulfillment.

501 Not Implemented

Request is unrecognizable or server lacks ability to fulfill it

502 Bad Gateway

Server received an invalid response from an upstream server and could not fulfill request

503 Service Unavailable

Server is currently unavailable

504 Gateway Timeout

Server did not receive a timely response from upstream server

505 HTTP Version Not Supported

Server does not support the HTTP protocol used in request

506 Variant Also Negotiates

Content negotiation results in circular reference

507 Insufficient Storage

Insufficient storage

508 Loop Detected

Server detected an infinite loop while processing request

509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

Apache extension not defined in RFC's to communicate bandwidth allocation exceeded

510 Not Extended

Further extensions to the request are required to fulfill it

511 Network Authentication Required

Client is required to authenticate to gain network access

598 Network Read Timeout Error

Client behind proxy experiences network read timeout error

599 Network Connect Timeout Error

Client behind proxy experiences network connect timeout error

Last update: 2022-03-17